Wownero Blockchain Explorer

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Server time: 2024-05-09 10:36:21 | Transaction pool | Mirrors | Autorefresh is OFF

Network difficulty: 10805502435 | Hard fork: v20 | Hash rate: 36.018 MH/s | Fee per byte: 0.00000330000 | Median block size limit: 292.97 kB

Wownero emission is 83192998.923 (17631.156) as of 628768 block

Transaction pool

(no of txs: 0, size: 0.00 kB, updated every 15 seconds)

age [h:m:s] transaction hash fee/per_kB [µɱ] in/out tx size [kB]

Transactions in older blocks

(Median size of 100 blocks: 292.97 kB)

height age [h:m:s] size [kB] transaction hash fee [µɱ] outputs in/out tx size [kB]
628757 01:00:33 0.09 523c1e6bd8b2afc4c4d594c06058ca944d2a3fc1bbe230e57c7364607e18301f N/A 96.584 0/1 0.09
628756 01:02:25 0.09 08096d7bda53fc625f73b8e56db371dd4bce6d676c092b7fefdd766ff587b6e3 N/A 96.584 0/1 0.09
628755 01:11:23 0.09 c5bda82f27dedeb82d2f0fcc34395cb346df03df1e4bcf1810b3e3df7706eeb9 N/A 96.584 0/1 0.09
628754 01:17:39 0.09 bb89c2ac869078edef430b683f0b3f3fceb31bcddba71afcc4b1a8ae4470487b N/A 96.584 0/1 0.09
628753 01:21:53 0.09 f1c5ede2e0d5a21df3c55db3a924228101f8c62a3e2dda82bd3d4f6ae878a7a7 N/A 96.584 0/1 0.09
628752 01:28:31 0.09 103f7dc7c915c4ee40fb300f29b36fe9e7c8cdbb2f6b2948ce9037f694b86a92 N/A 96.584 0/1 0.09
628751 01:35:04 0.09 21f8f5e51e0e432c8c958605fd5c6be68e4e24c003d6e2e1089faffff8e65d18 N/A 96.584 0/1 0.09
628750 01:42:36 0.09 85981d9a10bc1bafc6b74948e84b409426f41309d93488b13bf718e22fd2b104 N/A 96.585 0/1 0.09
628749 02:01:11 0.09 ffcdb4f995a5aa058cdbe0e0fc64c381409bb91f7643124260a55e254bc48b43 N/A 96.585 0/1 0.09
628748 02:01:44 0.09 9b27df39a70344ec3bb8d3b68359c8a48e5319a9e30fa0aaf6a6a37dbd36eb17 N/A 96.585 0/1 0.09
628747 02:03:55 0.09 67841c6c8737b8d66be91600321757164b5020a11cba239909c33317ffbcfe83 N/A 96.585 0/1 0.09
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source code | explorer version (api): HEAD-2023-06-06-16d6d16 (1.2) | wownero version: